Turium Identity Access Management
Turium Algoreus
Turium Identity Access Management
Turium Enigma
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Allow external participant services to manage their own users and contacts
Allow external participant services to manage their own users and contacts
Provides the capability to delegate logins to an OIDC or SAML provider for authentication purposes
Integrate with an LDAP store to synchronise all changes to the user base
Administration to be delegated and scoped to different subsets (or Organisational Units)
Global administration to occur by a set of Global Administrators that have been scoped to the entire
Team Manager to manage user lifecycle (creation, activation, roles and removal)
Role assignment to be restricted by scope (organisational unit)
Team managers from creating new roles or assigning roles not delegated to their administration scope
Team Manager to add both system users and non-system users (known as contacts)
Team Manager to add another user with the Team Manager access.
Automation of user lifecycles (users with configurable lifespans)
Set a time frame where users can be deactivated due to inactivity
Alerting capabilities to Team Managers for users who are close to deactivation
Generate reports based on user lifecycle or activity
Filtering, sorting and exporting capabilities to allow the team managers and global admins
Global admins to create new participant services (org units) and user groups (e.g. Fraud Analyst)